Friday, January 21, 2011

Now , I'm Alone .

Oh god . What should i do know ? I'm so alone . Everyday , i'll thing about him , i don't know why . Its were so hard to me , to forget him . I miss him very much ! But , i din't want disturb those relationship . God , give me some strong . Start from that day , every times , when i think about him , i'll cry and never want to eat . Oh my , my body was so weak . It just about you , i can't do anything . My mood was'nt always not sure . What can i do now , just scolded any people that talks about me and you . Hey , i were so appreciate of your helps and for loving me . But , i really miss you . Every night , i'll waiting of your call and message . But , i have got nothing . Your face , your voice , your number are always in my mind . I can't forget about you , your picture and number , are still in my phone , i din't want delete because , i still love you . If you have delete my number , its okay . I know who i am . I hope u'll happy with your new life and always happy with you new gf . Take care of yours gf okay ? Don't do the same way , you do to me . And , remember , all of people have heart and feeling . But please , i appeal to you , don't think you couple with any girls , just for fun .
Sis Qistina , thanks a lot for you advised . I appreciate it so much . You always give my strong came backs . And , always say , 'Hey , just be cool okay . They have many boys at outsides there . Look at your self , you are so perfect . Don't quick serrender .' Sis , i'll always remember your advised , 'don't quickly serrender' . But , yes , thats true , there are many guys at outside there . And , i can't trust them anymore . I was disappointed . Mybe , i were take more times to me for okay back . 
To alls my friend , thank you very much ! You all was so awsome ! And , you all makes my life happy .*sorry if my english broken .

Love all of you .
Byebye .


  1. weyhh.. x pnh gtau aku ponn.. x pnh mintk adviced from aku ponn~
    sobb3.. :'(((

  2. dekat spe2 pon aq ta penah cte . tapi , kt kak angkt aq , aq cte larh .

  3. lorhh.. npe x cte sama aku.. sian unx.. keeorgn..

  4. haha . aq ta keseorgan larh . aq ade hang and myra .

  5. hehe.. terima kaseh sbb ade aku n myra.. tpi unx jgn lupe unx jge ade idni n liaa..
    1 lgi SARAH heheh~
